Captain Cook
# 15728
MANLEY, Admiral Isaac (1755 - 1837)
A set of books from the library of Admiral Isaac Manley, the last surviving crew member on Captain Cook’s Endeavour voyage
Paris and the Parisians, in 1835. London : Richard Bentley, 1836. Two volumes, octavo, publisher’s cloth (spines defective), pp. xv; 418; vii; 412; Manley’s armorial bookplate to front pastedown of volume 1 (bearing the family motto Manus hæc inimica tyrannis – This hand is hostile to tyrants), each volume signed on the title page ‘Admiral Manley’. Born in London …
# 42827
In the wake of Cook : exploration, science, & empire, 1780-1801
London : Croom Helm, 1985. Octavo, cloth in dustjacket, pp. 216, maps, a very good copy. From the collection of noted art academic Leigh Astbury, signed by him on the endpaper.
# 41533
VANCOUVER, George, 1757-1798; SPARRMAN, Anders, 1748-1820
En upptäckts-resa till Norra Stilla Hafvet, och kring jordklotet : att på Kongl. Engelsk befallning och omkostnad i synnerhet forska efter något segelbart sammanhang imellan Norra Stilla och Norra Atlantiske Hafven förrättad åhren 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1795, under commando af Capitain George Vancouver. Ifrån engelskan i sammandrag utgifven af Anders Sparrman.
Scarce Swedish edition of Vancouver’s voyage account, being Anders Sparrman’s abridgement of Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean and round the world (1798). Stockholm : Anders Zetterberg, 1800. Two parts in one volume, small octavo, contemporary half calf over speckled papered boards, spine ruled in gilt with title labels (spine and edges worn and rubbed); contemporary …
# 41536
COOK, James, 1728-1779; FORSTER, Georg, 1754-1794; FURNEAUX, Tobias, 1735-1781
[COOK] Sammandrag af Capitain Jacob Cooks åren 1772, 73, 74 och 1775 omkring Södra Polen förrättade resa :
hwarwid Herrar Forsters och Furneaux journaler blifwit jämnförde och nyttjade : Innehållande det hufwudsakeligaste af de på denna resa gjorda nya uptäckter i söderhafwet, Rörande Södra Polens Ishaf nya uptäckte Öars naturalier och Inwånarnes Tänkesätt, Seder, Klädedrägt, m.m. Upsala [Sweden] : Johan Edman, 1783. Octavo, nineteenth century papered boards with title label to spine (edges …
# 41656
[COOK, Captain James]
Catalogue of very important manuscripts by or relating to Captain James Cook, explorer : the property of H.W.F. Bolckow Esq., M.P. deceased
… which will be sold by auction by Messers. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge … on Wednesday, the 21st of March, 1923. London : Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 1923. Quarto, lettered green wrappers, pp. 16, black and white plate, light foxing and handling marks, a very good copy. The original catalogue of the extraordinarily important manuscripts …
# 36977
HAWKESWORTH, John (1715-1773); COOK, James (1728-1779); KING, James
The three voyages of Captain James Cook
1. An account of the voyages undertaken by the order of his present Majesty for making discoveries in the southern hemisphere, and successively performed by Commodore Byron, Captain Wallis, Captain Carteret, and Captain Cook, in the Dolphin, the Swallow, and the Endeavour: drawn up from the journals which were kept by the several commanders, and …
# 40477
[COOK, James, 1728-1779].
An abridgement of Captain Cook’s first and second voyages.
The first performed in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771 ; the second in 1772, 1773, 1774 and 1775. For making discoveries in the northern hemisphere, by order of his majesty. Extracted from the quarto edition, in five volumes. Containing a relation of all the interesting transactions; including an abridgement of Captain Furneaux’s narrative of …
# 40423
BOYDELL, John and Josiah
[COOK; WEBBER] An alphabetical catalogue of plates, engraved by the most esteemed artists, after the finest pictures and drawings of the Italian, Flemish, German, French, English, and other schools, which compose the stock of John and Josiah Boydell, engravers and printsellers,
No. 90, Cheapside, and at the Shakespeare Gallery, Pall Mall; preceded by an account of various works, sets of prints, galleries, &c. forming part of the same stock. London : Printed by W. Bulmer and Co., 1803. Quarto, contemporary blind-tooled red half-roan over marbled boards (edges rubbed), rebacked in crushed morocco with gilt rule, gilt-lettered morocco …
# 40002
Carte politique de l’Europe, divisée en ses principaux états
Dressee pour l’Instruction et sur les dernières Observations Astronomiques par J. B. Nollin, Ingénieur Géographe. Revue et corrigée par J. B. Poirson. Paris : chez Jean, 1802. Copperplate engraved map on paper, 750 x 1080 mm (sheet), folded, manuscript title verso, original hand colouring in outline, a couple of small holes at the corners of …
# 19088
BOULTER, Daniel (1740-1802); BOULTER, Joseph (1743-1819); BOULTER, John (1745-1816)
Copper halfpenny token for Daniel Boulter’s ‘Exhibition of natural and artificial curiosities’, Yarmouth, Norfolk, 1796.
Yarmouth : Joseph, Daniel and John Boulter, 1796. Æ halfpenny, diameter 29.8 mm. Obverse: A female seated holding a scroll inscribed BOULTER’S EXHIBITION OF NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL CURIOSITIES. In ex. YARMOUTH in a straight line. Reverse: Three figures symbolising Asia, Africa and America presenting various curiosities to Britannia, who is recording them in a book. …
# 39671
James Cook, his coins & medals : some contemporary numismatic aspects of the life and voyages of Captain James Cook
By Dr. W. J. D. Mira ; edited by I. R. Pryor. [Sydney] : Australian Numismatic Society, [1970]. Octavo, illustrated wrappers (marked), pp. 44, illustrated. Scarce.
# 14356
POUGENS, Charles de (1755-1833)
Histoire d’Alexis Goodman, tirée des manuscrits de feu M. le capitaine Cook
pp 1-75 in: Pougens, Charles de. Récréations de philosophie et de morale. Yverdon : [F. B. de Félice] ; et se vend à Paris : chez Debure l’aîné, 1784. Duodecimo, contemporary full calf ruled in gilt (rubbed), spine with gilt ornament, contrasting morocco title label lettered in gilt ‘Histoire d’Alexis Goodman’ (frayed at head and …
# 30091
MEARES, John (c.1756 - 1809)
[HAWAII; PACIFIC NORTHWEST; CHINA] Tvänne resor från Ostindien till Americas nordvästra kust, åren 1786, 1788 och 1789, af Johan Meares. Sammandrag utur engelska originalet.
Stockholm : Hos kamereraren J.S. Ekmanson, på Bokhandl. Mag. I. Utters Förlag, 1797. Small octavo, contemporary half mottled calf over marbled papered boards (lightly rubbed), spine in compartments with gilt ornament and contrasting title labels lettered in gilt; pp [12], 404; text in Swedish; heavily scored early ownership signature to bottom margin of title page, with resultant …
# 33864
DIBBLE, Sheldon (1809 - 1845)
History of the Sandwich Islands
Lahainaluna : Press of the Mission Seminary, 1843. Octavo, full calf with flat panelled spine, ruled in gilt with contrasting morocco title label, gilt lettering (the binding with edge wear, recently polished, joints expertly repaired), posthumous bookplate (dated 1912) for the library of distinguished Hawaiian businessman and diplomat Henry Alpheus Pierce Carter (1837 – 1891) …
# 38505
RIENITS, Rex and Thea
Early artists of Australia
Sydney : Angus & Robertson, 1963. Quarto, cloth in illustrated dustjacket (light edge wear), patterned endpapers,, pp. x; 246, illustrated. A good copy. A valuable survey of the first European artworks of the Australian continent, including chapters on Cook’s artists, the First Fleet, Thomas Watling, William Westall, John William Lewin, George William Evans, early Tasmanian …
# 30173
VANCOUVER, George (1757-1798)
A Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the world;
in which the coast of North-West America has been carefully examined and accurately surveyed. Undertaken by his Majesty’s command principally with a view to ascertain the existence of any navigable communication between the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans; and performed in the year 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, in the Discovery sloop …